IRONIMPORTANCE: Iron is important in the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying factor in red blood cells. It nourishes every cell in the body with oxygen; without it your body could not make ATP (the body's primary energy source), produce DNA, or carry out many other critical functions. It has been shown to improve restless legs syndrome. It is necessary for the proper metabolism of 8-Vitamins. Iron prevents anemia and fatigue; promotes good skin tone, and stimulates the immune system. Iron decreases the craving for alcohol.DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in weakness, paleness of skin, constipation, anemia and a bizarre disorder called "pica" where doctors have reported cases of people eating dirt, chalk, clay, paste, paper, cardboard, ice chips and Styrofoam.Formulas that contain IRON: Alert Heart Maximus One Two Three Four Five Six Seven. See References and GLOSSARY INDEX