HO SHOU WU (Fo-Ti Root)Ho Shou Wu (Fo-Ti Root) is a kidney, liver, and blood tonic used to restore energy and vigor. It is believed to contain anti-cancer properties. It reduces hypertension and blood cholesterol levels. It increases red blood cell count and reduces blood fats. It increases fertility and boosts the immune system.The part of the Ho Shou Wu plant that is used is its root. It is second only to ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine. Ho Shou Wu, according to Chinese legend, was used by a 58 year old man who ate it and then fathered many children. It has been used to tread colic, enteritis or the inflammation of the intestines, gout and hemorrhoids. Research is being done on the use of It to lower cholesterol and to aid in the acceptance of organ transplants. Formulas that contain HO SHOU WU (Fo-Ti Root): Alert Maximus See References and GLOSSARY INDEX