IMPORTANCE: Chromium Picolinate is involved in the metabolism of glucose and is vital in the breakdown of cholesterol, fats, and proteins.  It maintains stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization.  Keeping blood sugar levels normal is important because high levels of either can cause damaging effects on the cells lining the arteries, which can cause circulation problems that may lead to clogged arteries.  It may reduce blood sugar and insulin levels in people with full blown type 2 diabetes.  The "Picolinate" form is easily absorbed in the body's cells; helps prevent sugar cravings and sudden drops in energy.  It promotes a healthy circulatory system and has been used as a treatment for migraine headaches, psoriasis and acne.  It can prevent anxiety and fatigue.  Chromium Picolinate is used extensively by athletes and dieters because it promotes fat loss and increases lean muscle tissue.

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in glucose intolerance in diabetics; arteriosclerosis, heart disease, depressed growth, obesity, tiredness.

Formulas that contain CHROMIUM:  Alert Heart Maximus One Two Three Four Five Six Seven.

See References and GLOSSARY INDEX 

This information is designed to help adults make informed decisions about their health and is intended to be used for general nutritional information and educational purposes only.  It is not intended to prescribe, treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any particular medical problem or disease, or to promote any particular product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should always consult with their doctors before taking any supplements. You should always consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health concerns. Persons with medical conditions should seek professional medical care. Anyone may link to this page.


 This is a picture of ANR Heart Formula
ANR Heart Formula


Picture of ANR Formula Level Two. 
ANR Formula Two


Picture of ANR Formula Level Three. 
ANR Formula Three


This is a picture of ANR Maximus Formula
ANR Maximus Formula


 Picture of ANR Formula Level One.
ANR Formula One


This is a picture of ANR Alert Formula
ANR Alert Formula